This was a test shoot I set up to test out using gels. Gels are pretty must colored pieces of plastic that you tape over your lights. I love the look and colors they can bring to a studio shoot. I had never tried them out until this shoot so it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately I was so into all the pretty colors that I forgot to turn my model around and shoot the other side of her face! Haha! Oh well, I got some practice in:)
What can I say? I love these people! I feel so lucky to have my big brother, sister in law, and little nephew live right down the street. After living away from ALL my family for eight years it's so amazing to have them near. I have the best big brother any one could ever ask for, although we may have fought like cats and dogs as kids he's one of my best friends. I look up to him so much, and can't believe what a great family he has made. He chose an incredible woman in Sierra, and I love her like a sister (which I never had, so I'm thrilled!) We've become so close and I admire her so much, thanks Butthead for picking a great one! Oh, and then there's my little Bean! He is the most lovable little guy on earth and I'm so happy I get to watch him grow.
I've known the Nugent's now for seven years! Pam and I met at my first duty station and I can tell you she's one of the best people I know. She's that mom and wife that I aspire to be like, and she makes it all look so effortless. Her three boys are so great, such characters, all with such different personalities. The love between James and Pam is so endearing, while we were walking through the orchards I could hear James whisper to Pam "you know...I love you." It's a great thing to see such a great person so loved, and that goes for you too James:) Thanks Pam, for being such a supporter of my dream and for always encouraging me, there really is no one like you out there.
When I shot this I tried to imagine a place where I wanted to be, a place of solitude, wonder, and warmth. Sometimes a studio shoot can feel very cold and dead, I wanted to see if I could create a realm of "earthyness" in it. I think sometimes we all want to escape back to nature, this is my escape.
Every time I shoot this family I like them more and more! They just have this great vibe about them, and such a great unity. I've never seen siblings get along like Kaiden and Kierra do, they were adorable as they goofed around with eachother like bestfriends. It's a bond out of this world! Little Korbin has a lot to look forward to as he gets older! With such great kids it really goes to show that great parents like Kamie and Jeff make the difference. You guys have done such a great job molding your little people :)
What a cool couple! Garden is an old Navy buddy of mine, and I can still remember the days when we would be sitting in the shop chatting away about her hilarious marriage. I remember thinking, "Someday I want a marriage like that." She and Dave have a chemistry that you don't see everyday. It's a perfect combo of sweetness, respect, and humor. They remind me of a TV couple, like a modern day Lucy and Ricky. I told them they should have their own reality TV show, and I meant it! It was such a fun shoot, they had me laughing and although they told me beforehand how "unphotogenic" they are, I must disagree! Thanks Garden and Dave for such a awesome shoot!