I've known Dawn for a few years and I can honestly say I've never seen her so happy, I mean this girl is glowing! Jeremy and her met through their passion for motorcycles, and suit each other so perfectly. They both have this irresistibly cute laugh, and when it happens the shot explodes with happiness! It was a fun shoot, very much like capturing a couple of 16 year old kids in the midst of puppy love. Can't wait to capture more of that puppy love at your wedding!
These ladies were a handful of personality! Helena is a vibrant little 19 month year old who has much in common with Mommy. Mommy is an avid hiker and mountain climber and well her little Bug made sure to climb every step in Balboa park, twice! As I was editing my shots I realized that there was not one shot where Eva was looking right into my lens, in every shot she was gazing at her beautiful Bug, this tells you everything about what kind of Mommy she is. Eva you are absolutely stunning and you have made such an incredible addition to this world, Helena is such a lucky Bug!